Wednesday, January 9, 2008

On the Mission

I defintely recommend a workout partner if possible... Because monday I was so exhausted from the tornando that landed on my desk.., The lack of motivation was out the window... Nonetheless... the phone rang... and it was my WORKOUT BUDDY... So I said fine... This is going to be part of our workout tonight... How you like that... So...Here is a great toning routine that I am using from my trainer way back when I first started this quest for prefection... Feel free to try it or modify it to fit your needs...

1 mile jog to warm up

4x25 Push ups
4x25 sit ups
4x25 curls at 20 pounds
4x25 triceps
4x25 leg extensions
4x25 bench press

Rest 1 minute between each rotation, do this work out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Do the following workout on Tuesday and Thursday.

1 mile Jog to warm up

Jump rope 5x25 jumps
4x25 Situps
4x25 Squats- body weight
4x25 lunges- 20 pound dumbbells

Hope this helps motivate you to get to the gym... Somewhere... Somehow... GET MOVING..... TIME IS A WASTING...

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