Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 3: Not Everything is a Competition

Posture #2: Ardha Chandrasana - Half Moon Pose

I walk into class this morning and checked the Challenge sign up list to see how many people had signed up. Hmmmm. That's a lot, wonder how many will really finish. I went back to the locker room, put away my stuff and then went to set up my mat & towel. Whew, MY spot is still open (front row, to the right of the instructor stand) - I hate it when someone is in MY spot.
Class starts. Your supposed to look at yourself in the mirror, focus on yourself, your body, the pose - 90 minutes of moving meditation. "You are your best teacher." Uh Huh.
Lisa was NOT focusing on herself, she was competing with others in the room, unbeknown to them. Yep. I was kinda looking beyond myself in the mirror at spaghetti body chick or at the mother from the Incredibles and saying....DAMN, why can't I do that? I was, through sheer determination, trying to twist, stretch and bend my body just like SuperStretch who not only has been doing this for years but also probably weighs about as much as one of my thighs.
Suddenly, my body decided to jack slap me back into reality (FOCUS ON YOU!, YOU STOOPIT AZZ) by delivering a sharp pain up the back of my leg. Gotch your attention now, don't I?
It was at that moment that I realized that NOT EVERYTHING IS A DAMN COMPETITION WITH SOMEONE ELSE. This is about focusing on me, listening to my body, and training my mind and my body to go further, deeper, be stronger. The only person I am competing with during this challenge is my own ego.
My ego. My thoughts. The white noise of my mind.
I could either spend this time competing with other people, hurting myself, not getting stronger or better. Or I could become "My Best Teacher", listen to my body, focus my mind and shame the devil.

By the way, I've pretty much got the left side of picture/first part of Half Moon, the right sideof picture/second part - Not So Much.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DAY1: 30 Day Bikram Challenge

Pranayama - Standing Deep Breathing

I started the 30 days of Bikram Yoga Challenge today. In case you didn't know, there are 26 poses in the series. I thought I would cover all of the poses for you over the course of the event and share with you what is happening with me/to me during this challenge. I was talking to CreoleInDC today and she asked me what I wanted to get out of doing this challenge. Well, I certainly wanted the physical benefits from doing Bikram Yoga:

- Flexibility

- Strength - Many yoga poses require you to support the weight of your own body in new ways, including balancing on one leg or supporting yourself with your core. Some exercises require you to move slowly in and out of poses, which also increases strength.

- Muscle Tone

- Weight Loss

However, there is some other things that I want to achieve from this:

Mental Calmness - Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing a calmness to the mind. Yoga also introduces you to meditation techniques, such as watching how you breathe and disengagement from your thoughts, which help calm the mind. My mind is always going a mile a minute, and 90 minutes of moving meditation is just what this sister need to slow down and smell the daisies.

Stress Reduction -Because of the concentration required, your daily troubles, both large and small, seem to melt away during the time you are doing yoga. This provides a much-needed break from your stressors, as well as helping put things into perspective. There is a lot going on in my life right now. Proper perspective and an ability to relax, relate, release is welcome.

Body Awareness -Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. Over time, this will increase your level of comfort in your own body. This can lead to improved posture and greater self-confidence. I always feel taller & more lean after class. Perhaps my stride will get even more fierce.

So, how was Day1? Let me tell was hot as a mofo today. We had a male instructor lead us through the poses and it was like having Gengis Khan teaching. No fans, no occassional opening of the doors. Just cracking the whip, moving it along. DAMN. Although I am definitly improving on my poses and ability to focus, concentrate and hold, I thought I was gonna die. Then there was this chick in the back row that just wanted to do her own ish. WTF? Do you know how distracting it is when you are doing something totally different and moving all around. Get control of yourself. Finally, the instructor had to tell her to "be still" in between poses. Thank you!

Something happened to me today after the standing series that the instructors are always saying might happen, but of course, I thought it was malarky. I know about the gettting dizzy part, but what I didn't buy was that you might get all emotional after some of the poses due to the release of toxins, stress or whatever else you might be holding on to. Humph. Yeah right. Well, after the standing series, I started to feel sick - for real. I felt like my skin was on fire, my heart beat was not returning to normal - constantly racing and like a weight was on my chest. I tries to work it out by relaxing in Savasana (Dead Body Pose), but it was just getting worse. The instructors always recommend that you stay in the room and try to work though it, but I just couldn't. I thought I was gonna blow chunks or explode in flames if I didn't get outta there. I went into the bathroom, and burst in to tears. Nope, I do not know why. All I know is that after my short boo hoo, I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my sholders, went back into class and knocked out the final poses without a hitch.

I don't know what that was all about, but whatever it was - it was cathartic. Amazing. I'm going back tomorrow for Day2.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies. ~unknown~

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The latest craze

Joe and I went over to the YMCA this evening and tried out a Zumba class. What a hoot! Part dance...part yoga...part boxing...all aerobic and it's so much fun the time just flies! If I say an exercise class is fun, you know it is! I hate exercising.

If you can find a class nearby, check it out for yourselves. I think you'll like it!

Friday, June 20, 2008

This makes sense to me..

I read this news article this morning and it made sense to me. If I eat a big breakfast I am not really hungry at lunch ...

Eating a big breakfast, heavy in carbs, is the key to keeping slim, according to new research.
A new study found that women who eat half of their daily calories first thing in the morning lose more weight in the long term than those who start the day with a small breakfast.
And they are also less likely to pile the pounds back on.
Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, from the Hospital de Clinicas in Caracas, Venezuela, who led the study, said: "A very low carbohydrate diet exacerbates the craving for carbohydrates and slows metabolism. After a short period of weight loss, there is a quick return to obesity."
It is thought that eating a meal packed with protein and carbohydrates helps cut cravings for sweet or starchy foods, and boosts the metabolism

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The art of Cardio

Can I just say... Running on the treadmill is hella different than running outdoors.. Try it and tell me what you think... You will find out how inshape you really are when you run outdoors... It is no joke! Hopefully the weather continues to warm up.. cause every lake in the area is being hit up in the new found quest of slim down for the summer!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Weighed in at Curves today.

I'm at 191 with my sweatshirt and shoes on. I think that's pretty good!
How are the rest of you doing?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Well alright!!!! This is my kind of weightloss tip!

Sleep more to slim down, scientists say by Brigitte Castelnau

Fri Apr 4, 3:00 PM ET

PARIS (AFP) - An extra hour between the sheets at night might be the key to shedding excess weight and fighting obesity, according to recent research.
"More sleep could be the ideal way of stabilising weight or slimming," said neuro-scientist Karine Spiegel, of France's INSERM, a public organisation dedicated to biological, medical and public health research.
While poor eating habits and lack of exercise clearly play a role in the global rise of obesity, recent data indicates that lack of sleep may also be a factor, and one that is often under-estimated.
Around 30 surveys carried out on wide population samples in seven countries have underlined a link between lack of sleep and excess weight or obesity in both children and adults, Spiegel said

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hope I'm not jinxing myself...

I weighed in a Curves today and in one week I'm down 6lbs! Woo Hoo! I know it's probably a lot of water weight, but's weight and it's gone!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's NOT so Simple After All

One of my HUGE pet peeves are people who have been slim ALL of their lives, have never - ever, not one day, had to struggle with their weight GIVING ADVICE on how to lose/maintain weight...and they always add somewhere in that advice "how simple" it is.

- Just do this
- Eat ony this type of food
- Cook this way
- Just stop, Just control portions, Just don't eat after..


These are they same slim people who usually hardly ever exercise (at least not a exercise that produces any sweat)...Pilates, Yoga, Tai-Chi etc. and will tell you that just doing those things along with their diet recommendations will help you lose weight - SIMPLE. They have never ONCE had to lose any appreciable weight (may 5 lbs for the big event - which they did SIMPLY by doing an extra session of Pilates).

SHUT THE EFFIN UP! I hate that shyat. You've got no clue. You have no idea about struggle, about losing 20, 30, 50lbs and the freakin pilates ain't gonna do it. There is nothing SIMPLE about what the rest of the plump world has to do to keep fit, lose weight, eat right. (Those that are trying at least) But you would NEVER understand at all.

Let me give you a damn and my plump, weight liftin', kickboxing, personal training sweating sisters will haul off and whoop your skinny, can't run round the block, can't lift half your body weight AZZ if you say another dang thing to us about it being Simple. SHUT THE EF UP and let us get back to WORK.

And yes, I hate your skinny, condecending, righteous behind. Walk a mile in our shoes (if you can keep up) and see how simple it really is.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


On Monday I started the NutriSystems. I am giving it a 3 month trial and PROMISING to exercise AT LEAST 30 minutes a day. The calorie counting is good, but I know it's the exercise that's key. You all are so lucky if you have an exercise partner who will nag you if you aren't doing what you should...or failing that, the drive to actually keep your exercise commitment!

So far, I gained 3 lbs and lost back to where I began. Not the beginning I was hoping for, but we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Art of The Push-Up

It has been said that your ability to do push ups is linked to how well you are gonna age. So, ladies - how well are you gonna age? I got an excellent. How about you?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Writer Drops 168lbs...BLOGS to inspire others

Super Women! Where are you? Have we already fallen off the bandwagon and gone back to our usual ways? I haven't seen, nor heard NOTHING from any of you in a while. Perhaps this story will inspire us all to keep "hope" alive.

....and what is Wonder Woman doing....getting ready to run on my treadmill, renewed 10 sessions with my Personal trainer, and signed up for WW online. Work with me!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It has been a rough two weeks.

Took the invisible plane down to a corporate meeting and it was just fun, fun fun....more like mandatory fun. The only time I got a chance to see outside was on the way to the meetings and on the way back to the hotel. Bummer. On top of that, I went down there and gained me 1.7lbs according to my new Weight Watchers Scale. Kill me now. I know what the culprit was - WINE and MORE WINE. But let me tell you, it is a sacrifice I'm willing to accept to have maintained my sanity through 4 days of cheezing with a bunch of people I did not want to cheeze with. Humph!

I'm back on the program and took that class again with the gym beeatches. I love the class but that woman was next to me again (actually moved my equipment in order to have her space-I swear Imma slap her silly real soon). I still keeping it tight and this little setback is all that it is. Stick with it SuperWomen - cause we are FABULOUS.

I was visiting one of my friends blog and here is her comments on being FAT or FABULOUS.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Down a couple of pounds anyway

When I weighed myself this morning I had lost 2 lbs. Considering how much I HATE to exercise this was somewhat disappointing, but it's a start.

In addition to the calorie watching, the water drinking and the treadmill torture, I have added walking to my daily routine. Yesterday, I walked to Mass. Today I teach CCD, so I'll walk to church again. According to Yahoo! Maps, it's 1.09 miles, one way. That may not seem like much to you "gym Divas" but to me that is a fair amount. Anyway, it can't hurt, can it?

Also this week I plan to start with the crunches. Since my stomach is my biggest problem area, this is a necessary evil, I guess.

If I get brave enough I'll get measured and post them sometime this week. That way I'll know I'm losing even if the scale wants to be ornery!
Have a great week.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Very late introduction, but perhaps not late enough

I'm Terri and I FINALLY remembered to get the batteries for the scale. I'm kind of sorry I did too, but here goes:
I am 47 years old. 5ft 5 3/4 inches tall and 202lbs. Thats right over 200! I am currently wearing a 16, but would like to be in a 12 by the end of June. I don't think that is an unrealistic goal if I really get serious and work.
My plan is to keep to under 1200 calories and put in 45 minutes of exercise everyday. I am also going to faitfully drink the 8 glasses of water/day.
I promise to be more reliable posting in the future!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Storming the Gym

It has been a wonderful clear sky week in the gym. I have been motivated by Wonder Woman for the step class that I see her in. Through she tries to get me in there... I just watch from the outside and cheer... Than I move on to my oh so wonderful workout regiment consisting of:

30-45 minutes of cardio
weight lifting

The workout typically last about an hour and a half has I storm through with all my might. But I can surely feel the burn the next day. Shoot one day I found myself inside of Golds Gym(my girlfriends gym) for darn near 2 1/2 hours. Lets just say the next day was my day of rest. Looking forward to an intense workout week with my two work out buddies.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lost a little

I went back to Weight Watchers 12/29 after being AWOL for several weeks, then skipped 2 weeks, then finally went back today (1/19) and have lost 4 pounds, down to 166.2. Yay me! Older son moved to Georgia for his first post college grad job and younger son went back to college after the winter I cleaned out the fridge and pantry of the ingredients for "are you making my favorite XYZ Momma?" and actually felt a little bereft but quickly said "hey snap out of it girlfriend!" Portion control and walking the dog helped...and an upcoming anniversary trip in 2 weeks might also be an incentive since I have to wear a swimming suit. My initial WW goal weight is 156, and I think I'll keep it at that for WW, so I can stop paying the monthly fee, but I'd really like to weigh 146. I think... I'm not sure I really know what my ideal numeric value is quite frankly. I'm a size 12 now? A size 10 or an 8? How do we determine what size or how much to weigh is right?...maybe I just should see how I feel and look in 5-10 pound increments. And also how I maintain or not maintain the "ideal" weight. I want to finally stop the yoyo up and down of 10-15-20 pounds. WW says it's a life style change not a diet. I'd love to "not" diet's frustrating. No worries today though as I celebrate a small victory. 

a deer, a car & a 19 yr old

The 3 things listed above should never be used in the same sentence.....yep she cracked up the car with a deer last night. She's ok, the only one hurt was the one with 4 legs. Her car however will be in the shop a while. She's bent out of shape about it but I look at it this way, she's ok and why the heck do I pay out the nose for insurance month after month if it's not used every now and then. At least I'll feel like I have something to show for my money. The theory of my tale is this.....don't sweat the small stuff...shit with it and move on. The sun still came up this morning and life as we knew it continues. If you cheat and pig out, enjoy is while it lasts but know your gonna get back on the wagon the next day. Myself, I went on a date with my man last night for dinner, we went to Ginza and had Japanese Hibachi. It was most yummy and in my deduction not to bad on the side of calories since it's all grilled. The only carnal sin may have been the fried rice but who can expect a body to eat any type of oriental food and not have fried rice? I mean come for real. Skipped the sushi this time so I wasn't so stuffed I didn't have to be wheeled out to the curb and deposited in the truck by some chinese man that weighs 100 pounds less than I do.

Till next time, keep on trying and don't sweat it if you don't lose everytime you step on that stupid scale.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I Lost a little weight

What difference a week can make, good news some how I have lost some weight. My Office Mate would tell you that we tried to kill ourselves we did a mini diet, we ate enough cabbage soup and fruit and vegies to last until (next week) a while. We joined these ladies at work in a group like weight watchers and we were the leading losers. What a great feeling that is, but if I tell you that it was so gross believe me, I like cabbage and fruit and vegies but not as the only foods you can eat. Dieting is not for the faint at heart, well ladies I can stack stones, set toilets, unclog drains, lay tile the list is endless, however I have no (none) will power when it comes to diets. So the best I will be able to do is pay attention to what I am eating. Which is way better than what I have done. Keep up the work ladies. talk to you soon

Friday, January 11, 2008

Don't hate me because I'm going to be more beautiful

See my office partner and I are in sort of a sudo competition at the job with the other ladies there and they just think they are soooooo much going to win. Humph......they don't know our secret weapon we're about to turn on Monday. One claims to have lost "x" pounds already. Umhum, maybe in her head... she might've opened the air valve and relived some pressure but as far as those pounds go we'll see who's gonna win. We weigh once a week. Speaking of weighing in...I had to go do that the other day for the first time and I since I was at work and couldn't go make myself a big fat crown and coke to drown my shock and sorry I went back to my desk, dug in my purse to look for a pill for depression. :-( Since I have never been on any such medication of course I didn't have any. Never hurts to look though. Maybe my medication fairy had slipped me a little somethin' but no such luck.
Till next time ladies may your stomach feel full, may you not be tempted by some ooooie gooie goody, and may all our panties fit better this time next month!!! Have a great weekend!

I've got to do better!

Please don't judge me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So...It is week whatever of January and I have finally gotten up off my rump to exercise. I started the week off right walking the complex and doing light exercises in the house. I even went as far as to DVRing (not a word) some workout sessions on FitTV, I guess you actually have to watch them to break a sweat.
Goals for next week:
1. Enroll myself back in Weight-Watchers ASAP (that's the only way to get my body bangin like Beyonce)
2. Eat less and move more (right now I seem to be eating more and moving less)
3. Lay off of the school lunches! They don't even taste good, just let it go.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wonder Women Body Shots

Obese My Azz...but I'm still gonna tighten it up. I'm so mad right now, I could spit 10lb dumbells. Come on Super Sisters those before pictures.

Who the F*&# You Callin' Obese

I got my new scale today and was reading all the instructions cause it will determine your Body Fat. Before I set it all up I looked up a BMI (Body Mass Index) Chart to get a sense of where I might come out on my new scale. WTF! Just by calculating you height/age/weight you can move along the chart to find your BMI (Body Fat). I ran my finger across the chart. BULLSHYT!

I'll concede that I'm plump and curvaceous, but I WILL NOT accept that I am considered "Morbidly Obese". No MFn' way. I don't give a shyt what that chart says. I've seen morbid obesity and I am FAAAAAAR from it.

Looked up some more information on BMI and here is an excerpt from an article "Setting Standards in the Definition of Obesity":

The BMI Controversy
......Some controversy exists over the accuracy of the BMI for setting obesity standards. Because the BMI uses a standard weight against height formula, it doesn't take into account whether the weight is fat or muscle. Other criticisms of the BMI method of assessing weight and health are that it does not account for:
>frame size—people with a larger frame have greater mass overall but a smaller ratio of lean mass to fat mass.
>gender—weights are the same for men and women, even though women are expected to have a higher percentage of body fat.

Waist Circumference and Waist to Hip Ratio
Determining waist circumference eliminates the inconsistencies of the BMI. Waist circumference measurement is an important part of determining obesity and morbid obesity. A waist circumference of 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women is an indication of obesity.Waist to hip ratio is also used as a guideline for determining obesity. This measurement determines how weight is distributed on the body. Weight distribution on the lower half of the body (pear-shape) generally does not pose the same serious consequences as weight that crowds the abdominal area. Hip to waist ratio is calculated by dividing the circumference of the waist by the circumference of the hips. A healthy waist to hip ratio for women is 0.80 or less. For men, 0.90 or less is a healthy waist to hip ratio. Anything over 1.0 is considered obese

Well, my waist to hip ratio is .80. SCREW BMI. BITE ME. I'm Phat & Fabulous - bout to be ever MORE Fierce. SuperWomen UNITE!

On the Mission

I defintely recommend a workout partner if possible... Because monday I was so exhausted from the tornando that landed on my desk.., The lack of motivation was out the window... Nonetheless... the phone rang... and it was my WORKOUT BUDDY... So I said fine... This is going to be part of our workout tonight... How you like that... So...Here is a great toning routine that I am using from my trainer way back when I first started this quest for prefection... Feel free to try it or modify it to fit your needs...

1 mile jog to warm up

4x25 Push ups
4x25 sit ups
4x25 curls at 20 pounds
4x25 triceps
4x25 leg extensions
4x25 bench press

Rest 1 minute between each rotation, do this work out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Do the following workout on Tuesday and Thursday.

1 mile Jog to warm up

Jump rope 5x25 jumps
4x25 Situps
4x25 Squats- body weight
4x25 lunges- 20 pound dumbbells

Hope this helps motivate you to get to the gym... Somewhere... Somehow... GET MOVING..... TIME IS A WASTING...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New to Phat and Fabulous

Hello ladies, I'm here, I'm motivated and ready to make this happen. I actually started yesterday by making those initial steps of going to the gym. Now don't cheer for me because I don't stayed there for 15 minutes, but that's a start (smile). Another change that I made was to document how much water I'm drinking during the day. I have so much to do that I think it's best for me to take baby steps. I've got about 40 pounds to lose and need all the support I can get..
Glad to be in this space..

Opps, Joining a Group

Sorry, I got a little excited and hit the key too soon.

Anyway, I did the thing that I know is a motivator for me I joined some women from work in a group like Weight Watchers, and what I realized is that I have never in my life tried to loose weight. I guess I have always been satisfied with my wieght/appearance. With that said, that is what I think this is all about for me is my appearance, how I feel I look to myself. Basically how tight are my panties. They are tight now, I am a really disapointed with myself for getting to this point. We all can look at events or issues in our life and justify some of the gain but that is just not working for me today. Ladies after sitting in that meeting discussing ways to work off weight I decided that I need to really do something fast. We weighed in and if I said that I was so very surprised, disappointed and a little ashamed (of me for not paying attention) with what I weighed that would be an understatement. So I am going to state a goal of 20 lbs for now with more to come. I did some body measurements the other day hopefully is will be able to report some good results soon. The Warrior Princess is ready for battle are you????

Joining A Group

Monday, January 7, 2008

Wonder Woman's Thoughts on Fad Diets

Ladies...we have a readership. Don't know how big, but we do. How do I know? I got an email today asking me if I've heard about a new diet and giving me all the details.

Now, I've been struggling with my weight my entire life. ENTIRE LIFE. Don't even get it twisted. I have done every diet known to man and after over 20 years in the game, THE ONLY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF is to change the way you eat FOR GOOD and exercise FOREVER. You can not expect to keep the weight off by doing a two week fast/cleanse and then going back to the same bad habits that you had before you started. You can't just take some "pills" and burn all the fat while eating everything you want and not exercising. It is a lie. The only "diets" that work are the ones that teach you how to eat for life. Period. A eating lifestyle change. NOT just something you follow for a few weeks and then, cause you can't stand it anymore, you go right back to the old way.

I keep mulling over what "diet" I'm gonna do. I'm leaning on not doing any "diet". I KNOW how to eat right...and damn it, I'm gonna do it. A food diary is gonna be the key.

As for "spot" reducing. I don't believe in it. I've been working out, training for runs, working with a personal trainer, teaching aerobics (as an ordinary human - not as Wonder Woman) & kickboxing and you just can't spot reduce. When you exercise you work your entire body, not just your belly or arms. Now you can make a part of your body bigger and look all scary like - you've seen those guys in the gym - HUGE arms/SKINNY legs or vice versa. Not a good look, especially on a SuperWoman. Not so much.

Anyway, ladies - do what you will. Just don't let the hype get in the way of long term success. If one of these ideas jump starts you on the path - DO IT! Just remember to make some long term lifestyle changes too. When each of us reaches our goals, which I know we will, then I'm gonna be the biggest cheerleader and gonna get my invisible plane out for the celebration we are gonna have (We should start planning).

Here is part of the email that was sent. Do with it what ya want.....


Have you seen the latest issue of Prevention Magazine and the article on the Flat Belly Diet? A new diet targeting women's mid section and no crunches are even required!

The Flat Belly Diet! by Liz Vaccariello, Editor-in-Chief of Prevention and Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, Nutrition Director.

The diet consists of 4 meals a day, each 400 calories and you must include a monounsaturated fat at every meal.

Much more information can be found on the website

Take a look at more of the amazing details below, thought you'd like them for your blog!

Lose 5 pounds in 2 days!

I know that got your attention. I just lost 5 pounds in 2 days. True ladies, so don't be hating! Its called Colonoscopy Prep. (CP) That's right. Take 2 little orange pills and drink 2 bottles of ocean water, followed by clear liquids that will make you too weak to do more than lay on the sofa, (so no exercise necessary) but you won't be able to stay on the sofa because you will make many, many, many trips to the loo. (maybe that counts as exercise) Yep, CP...first time I've ever tried this diet and glad I won't need to try it again for at least a few more years. CP was brutal...the actual procedure...can't say that I even remember it. Thank goodness for lap tops...didn't even have to sit up to blog. Hopefully I won't regain this weight loss the first time I eat something solid. Catch ya later...Swaz~

Coming through with Vengeance

Let me introduce to you Storm.

Storm has been described as having one of the strongest wills. We are determined to preserver through this personal quest of perfection.

So what are our goals? They are:

1. Lose 15-25lbs

2. Tone

3. Stay in shape

4. Eat properly

5. Workout minimum of 4x a week

6. Stay focused on the prize

Goal.. to lose the 1st 10lbs by Feb 3rd!

Now the important part about WEIGHT Lose ladies is... You can not always go by the scale... As you workout the numbers may not move but you could be losing fat and gaining muscle...

SO I AM NOT SCARED OF THE SCALE... Coming soon will be a sample workout!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Brick House ???

As I was taking my measurements to give me a better idea of what exactly is going on with the body. I am standing in this great big mirror measuring both of my old waist (where pants can not button anymore) and the new waist. Then the hips, there was a time when I would not have measured the thighs but ladies there also was a time when they did not touch. As I am looking at all of me and there is more than ever before and I wonder what has happened to the Princess. Anyway while I was doing the tape measure thing the song Brick House started running through my mind and I couldn't remember was the numbers were and then like a tone of bricks it hit me 36-24-36. This would be a good goal for me to shoot for ..... not. I need to state a goal, I just don't know what is a good weight, I remember when I weigh 125 I don't want to try to get there. We are already too far into the year to shoot for that. I think that I have gained at least 10 pounds in three months. From doing nothing other than eating everything that is in a food good. I worked out on the treadmill again tonight and worked out with one of those resistance bands, arms and shoulders, thighs and butts and sexy abs. That is actually more work then it appears. Now the funny thing is in my small mind I actually believe that I should be able to see the results maybe in the morning. Don't you wish that was all it took. About 1 hour of work and all damage is repair? What is damage? 2 waists, measuring thighs, panties that are too tight, bras that are so tight that when you remove them they spring across the room and it takes a least two hours for the marks (from bra) to go away. Well I am going to do better this week with the foods and much more exercise. I will state a goal this week.
Ladies stay focused and remember you can be a BRICK HOUSE.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Have Mercy

Ok I finally figured out how to put my hot_tamale pic on here. Now this chick is all that and a bag of tacos! smokin hawt..

Gotta go shop now and get my nails done. I ate already so I'm not tempted to stop at the closest drive through heart attack window and order up a super sized coronary with a side order of blubber butt.

later ladies......

Friday, January 4, 2008

Black Widow

Ahaha did the title get your attention? No I didn't murder him....yet....but I did find a black widow spider in the basement and will most definately be calling the bug man tomorrow. Can't deal with a me the willies.

Now see the reason I even found the black widow is because I actually went to the basement and got close enough to the treadmill to touch it! Now that's progress. No the spider wasn't on the hasn't sat idle long enough for wildlife to have taken up residency yet. I was looking around to find the best spot to set up a tv down there so when I do get on the stupid thing I can at least watch some QVC and make myself happy by buying a nice little something for myself while I'm miserable for 30 minutes on the stupid treadmill. :-)

I think I will have a frosty beverage, sit back and read my book a while. You know come to think of it my favorite kind of book to read is murder mystery, detective, conspiracy, spy type stories. Maybe I do have a little of that black widow in me. "I kill you!" }:-(

LOL later ladies!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Virgin-ia Blogger

Thanks for the invite...never blogged before, but I have dieted. Many, many times. Currently I'm a Weight Watcher.  I lost 26 pounds last year but have gained 8-10 back during the spring and summer months I didn't attend the meetings. I could offer up a few, actually many excuses why, (too busy, stress, a retirement, 2 new jobs and two graduations)...but bottom line is more calories in than out. My goal is to lose 15 more pounds. I want to be an after...oh yes I said it! WW works if you follow the plan,  journal and (shhh) exercise. Yeah right...we all know what it takes already...exercise is the hard part for me. Other than walking the dog that will never die...I'm just not very disciplined. I think this might be fun and supportive, so I'm in if you'll have me. Till next time~~~Swaz

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wonder Woman vs. The Gym Beeyatches

Why do these Gym Beeyatches wanna get somethin' started with me. Don't they know that I will haul off and Amazon Slap one of them into next week?

You know the type...Perky, skinny as shit, perfectly ponytailed, perfectly outfitted women. They usually don't work outside of the home (at least they don't have any babies/small children at home), but live at the the gym between 8:30 and 2pm while their rug rats are at school. They are the ladies who meet their girlfriends in the cafe or Sta.rbu.cks in their cute sweat suits prior to their workout and then stand in the freaking middle of the gym floor after - chitchatting about Bobby Joe's braces...AND they act like they own the freakin' gym. I hate them and want to be one of them at the same time. BEEEYATCHES!

I'm part of the Super Women Gym Beeyatch Group. We throw our gym stuff in a bag, often forgetting socks or a sports bra (OOOOH, I hate when that happens - ever work out in your super suit?) We come to the gym either at the crack of dawn or after 5 pm cause we are busy Saving the MFn' World AND keeping a home. We don't have time to get to the gym an hour before and stay and hour after. We got shyat to the world, defeat tyranny, cook dinner, clean house, homework & throw a freakin dinner party without so much as breaking a sweat. We don't have coordinated workout outfits NOR do we often match. We are there to get a workout and go home or back to our Super Duties.

Well, this morning was the 1st day back to the official Super Duties. I had gassed up the Invisible Plane for a business trip to a God forsaken hole in the wall and since I didn't have to leave until 3, I decided to go to the gym to take a Total Conditioning class that I've discovered and love. When I got there 5 minutes before class (not an hour prior with my Cappuccino in hand), it is packed. I found a spot way up at the front of the class (right in front of the mirror), but there are barely any hand weights of any significance left. The instructor says that we will have to share weights and starts the class. The Gym Beeyatch next to me (in her perfectly coordinated outfit and matching shoes) has 3 sets of weights (17.5, 15, 12lbs). She is only using the 17.5lbers so I ask if I could use her 12's. She looked at me with sheer derision (if laser beams came from this heffers eyes, I would have died right there), ROLLED HER MFn' EYES and said nothing. Just went right on with the workout. Do you now how hard it was NOT to slap the sweat off her smug face? I snatched the weights up and didn't even think to give em back.

Lord, being Wonder woman and holding back on using my super powers on ordinary mortals is really challenging me. I wanted (and could have) to kill her SOOOOOO bad.

It was a great workout despite the Gym Beeyatch. Next time I plan to get there earlier and taker her freakin' spot. She what she's got to say then.


day 2

I guess today is the second day even though yesterday was the official 1st day and I had black eye peas and cornbread for supper. But it was for the greater good of the over all cause see. I need all the luck I can get and being moderately superstitious I had to have to black eyed peas and cornbread. I guess I should weigh myself sometime soon. I will say my ultimate long term goal is to eventually lose 50-60 pounds. I lost 40 over this past summer but will admit I have gained at least 10 back. It felt most excellent to lose that weight and have people notice and mention it. I helped keep me motivated and I physically felt a lot better. What I did is cut way back on sweets and pepsi. I admit I am a pepsiholic. Drank lots of water, didn't eat late night snacks and really only ate when I was hungry not just because it was lunch time or breakfast time. If I wasn't hungry I just wouldn't eat. Now I know I'll never be a size 2 but I can at least get down to my game weight even if it was 25 yrs ago that I weighed in at that amount. I suppose that's it for today. Drive on ladies.....the best is yet to come!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tips from Dr. Ian Smith

We are all starting 2008 with new fit & fabulous body goals. (BTW - where is everyone's first post with their goal?). I know that I'm not the only SuperWoman who is gonna lose some poundage...I'm going for an even 40...what are you ladies goin' for?

And I'll be damned if I let hot_tamale's husband group of men do better than us. It is just not in the realm of possibility.

Anyway, here are some tips I just read from Dr. Ian Smith and The 50 Million Pound Challenge.
1. Get real and be specific. Write down three or four realistic goals that you can stick to. For example, "I will try to lose one poud of body fat every week. I will walk for 30 minutes, minimum, five days a week." Avoid fantasy-land goals that will only frustrate you.

Here are my goals:
  • Drink 1/2 my body weight in water every day.
  • Lose 40lbs by Sept 1, 2008 (that's 5 lbs/month).
  • No carbs after 4pm.

2. Get prepared. Throw away all the junk, the processed and the "bingeable" food NOW, and replace them with fresh, whole foods, like lots of water and veggies. During a lifestyle change, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!

I am purchasing a new scale that also determines body fat.

3. Get support. Whether it's your best friend, neighbor, spoiuse or pet. It helps to have some nonjudgemental and nurturing support when trying to lose weight, especially during trying times.

That's what I got all of my Super Hero Ladies for!

4. Make daily notes. Research has shown that keeping track of your daily exercise and food intake in a journal or notebook will increase the likelihood of success. The key is to hold yourself acountable.

Between this blog and my food journal, I can't fail.

5. Start small. Choose an activity you can do anywhere, anytime. You don't need to have a gym membership to get fit.

Nope ya don't, but I'm using my gym and my trainer from hell.

D-day/Starting day

This is a day that I have talked about for two months, so tell me why this morning after I finished a wonderful breakfast I said "oh boy, I should have started my plan today" but that's ok, I will go get "Leg Magic" today and that will fix it (all my problems). Well it is 9:15pm no "Leg Magic" and I have officially failed today. I did purchase a video to help me get lean and in shape (more warrior like, my outfit is getting a little snug). I just cannot wait to try out the "10 Minute Solution" and "tone those trouble spots" Oh yes, did I mention I did try to get on scale today and discovered it is broken. (it is true) I was speaking to a Friend and she said I thought you wanted to lose 10 pounds I am still laughing. Although the scale did not work, you all can assume that 10 pounds is not my goal. Hopefully this week I will be able to get one of those high-end scales that measure the dreaded body fat. It really wasn't meant for today, so new date January 2, 2008. Now as the Warrior Princess I plan to attack this weight issue like any other problems that have come up. The good thing about the weight issue it is in plain sight and every time I put on my Warrior panties I am reminded that there is work to be done. For those of you who may not know Xena is a warrior with a dark and sometimes shameful past. A chain of events in her life led her to a new direction and a new purpose. No longer a warlord (witch) hell-bent on becoming the "Destroyer of Nations," (head witch) she has chosen to fight for what she calls the "Greater Good" (slim and sexy and just plain old HOT) and hopes for redemption of her past sins. Her great courage knows no bounds; fear does not speak her name, whether her foe be faceless or not. She has only one weakness......(FSA )FOOD/SNACKS/ALCHOL

Happy New Year!!!

Oh my GOD! All I can say is it's a good day to start watching what I eat because after the party I had at my house last night I sure can't think about food. Uggg :-/ My tamales are not so hot this morning. I think my husband has gone outside of his mind again. He's got the nerve to challenge us already! He claims to have a group at his job, including himself, that thinks they can do better than we can. Nothing I love more than to prove him wrong.
So all you phat and fabulous women that have signed up here already, hike up your panties my office mate, keep me off those bagles. I want to look good when summer rolls through this year. I'll be wearing that target size before you know it and will show you the tag in the back of my hoochie mama jeans to prove it! Yeah baby...
The treadmill is calling.......good thing I'm hard of hearing in one ear and it's all the way in the basement because it won't see the bottom of my shoes today. I will go for a short walk later though around the block down to the river. Gotta start some where.
Happy 2008 has to better than 2007. 99% of this 07 just sucked big slimey rotten eggs. It can only go up while my weight goes down.